Quality Preschool, Infant and After School Programs


Fostering Your Child’s Creativity

Creativity is an extremely beneficial skill for your child to develop. Many people believe that creativity is something people are born with, but it is actually a learned skill. There are many ways to foster your child’s creativity and help them continue to develop this skill.

At Adventures in Learning, we believe that creativity is one of the most important skills your child can learn. There are many benefits that come with creativity, which is why we have our students participate in different crafts, projects, and activities that can help stimulate their creative minds. In this blog, we are going to talk about how you can foster creativity in your child at home. Read on to learn more and contact us with any questions you may have.

Benefits of Creativity

First, we wanted to cover some of the benefits of creativity so that you understand the full importance. We will go over this further in a later blog, but for now, we will give you a quick overview.

Creativity doesn’t simply allow your child to paint beautiful pictures or create a story on their own. This skill can help your child develop problem-solving skills, boost their imagination (which can lead to more innovative ideas in adulthood), and can teach them how to cope with feelings. Creativity can also lead to improved verbal skills, hand-eye coordination, and attention span.

There are so many benefits to creativity, which is why it is important that you help foster it in your child, even if you don’t consider yourself creative. Read on for some idea on how to encourage creativity in your child!

Create A Space

Giving your child a space where they can be as creative as possible and express themselves in a variety of ways is a great way to foster this skill. Giving them their own space to be creative will also help keep their mess in one area, which is a win for you. Whether you have an extra room where they can have all of their things or you set something up in one area of the house, allowing them to have a space where they can go will give them the freedom to express themselves in a variety of creative ways.

Give Them Time

Giving your child free time is important in fostering creativity. Allowing your child to engage in unstructured playtime gives them the opportunity to use their imagination and be creative with what they do. During this time, try not to monitor or tell them what to do. Let your kiddo simply do whatever they want. As they spend more and more time engaging in free time, they will become better at using up this time to play, create, imagine, and entertain themselves.

Give Them Simple Toys

A lot of toys nowadays don’t leave anything to your child’s imagination. These toys often have a certain purpose and don’t allow your kiddo to use them creatively. Instead of getting your child the latest toys, give them toys that are more open-ended. Toys such as blocks, LEGOs, playdough, arts and crafts, and other toys give your child a chance to use their imagination and creativity. They can build castles, rocket ships, entire cities, or anything else that comes to mind. Giving them the right toys can help foster their creative side and let their imagination run wild.

Let Them Fail

Letting your child make mistakes and fail is a good thing! When your child is scared of failing, they will suppress their creative thoughts and unique ideas. Encourage your child to try new things and when they fail simply tell them to try again. You can talk about your own failures and mistakes to help them recognize that they happen to everyone. The way you react to the failure is what truly matters. If you make a mistake in front of them, try not to get upset, instead let them know you are going to try again or you are going to keep going and see how it turns out. This will teach them not to be afraid to make mistakes and fail, which will allow them to be more comfortable trying out their new ideas.

Don’t Hover

Being a helicopter parent and hovering around your child, constantly keeping an eye on what they are doing will not help their creativity. When they have their free time to play, let that be their time. When parents hover and try to jump in when their child is struggling or making a mistake, it takes away from the child’s ability to problem-solve, use their creativity, and learn how to fail. Give your child space and freedom to do what they want, you may be surprised at what they can come up with!

Ask Questions

Curiosity and creativity go hand-in-hand. Keep your kiddo curious by asking them questions that can stimulate their imagination and creativity. Ask them what creatures they think might be in the ocean that we have not discovered yet. Ask them what they think stars are made of. Ask them what it would be like to explore a jungle or a different country. Ask them what invention they would create and why. These types of questions will keep their mind active and help foster their creativity.

Join Them

Kids learn a lot from watching and observing their parents. If you want to help foster their creativity, you should foster your own creativity as well! Whether you join them for a day of arts and crafts or start your own creative project in your free time, this can help encourage them to be creative as well. Not only is this a great way to help boost their creative thinking, but it can also help you improve your own creative skills. You may even find a new hobby! Plus, you can enjoy some high-quality bonding time with them. Engage in imaginative conversations with them. Instead of reading them a book, make up your own story and act it out for them. There are so many ways that you can show them your creative side and boost theirs as well!

These are some of the best ways to help foster your child’s creativity. When you give them the time, space, and tools to use their imagination and create, you can help them develop this skill which can benefit them in the future!

If you are looking for a school that allows your child to be creative and engage in fun and stimulating activities, be sure to check out Adventures in Learning in Tustin or Orange. Contact us with any questions you may have.